PerfectVIPs has team of analog designers that utilizes the latest designing techniques and design tools to face the analog and mixed signal challenges. The mixed signal team has the expertise to develop or migrate mixed signal designs ranging from high speed SERDES to standard cell libraries, memories and power circuits efficiently. The etam has domain expertise to handle the complex and challenging analog circuit requirements including to build mixed signal verification environments for sophisticated mixed signal ICs.
Services Offered
- Customization to other Foundries/ nodes and emerging standards
- Porting to other Foundries
- Customization to other Foundries/ nodes and emerging standards
- Porting to other Foundries
- Analog Macro Specifications
- Design
- High-speed IO design
- Seredes
- IO libraries
- Power management units
- Low power custom circuit design
- DACs and ADCs
- IP conversion: new process nodes & technologies
- Switching and linear regulators
- Op-amps
- Custom Layout
- We have layout experience on analog circuits including various types of ICs.
- AMS Verification and Modeling including modeling process, voltage and temperature effects & variety of noise sources
- Verification & Characterization
- PerfectVIPs has a team of AMS design and verification experts who can build state of the art mixed signal verification environments for mixed signal ICs. Our team has built complex verification environments from scratch, written self-checking assertion checks and developed randomize & custom test cases.
- Integration with Digital Logic
Our team provides services for following requirements:
Our team provides services for following requirements:
- AMS SoC architecture and design
- Optimizing your design for AMS reliability and performance
- Accelerating your time to working silicon and to production
- Verifying your complex, mixed signal SoC using real world usage scenarios
- System requirements capture, modeling and analysis
- Analog block simulations and verification
- Physical design and implementation
- AMS chip level verification
- Software for AMS devices